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gender balance scorecards

NIFTY50  - top tier gender balance scorecard

ML - top tier GBS© of NIFTY50 companies

release date - Dec 12, 2019

the ML-TopTier GBS © of  NIFTY50 companies finds them SNOOZING on gender balance with more than half of them yet to induct a woman in their leadership team.

Regulatory push, proclaimed prioritisation of the diversity & inclusion agenda has yielded little dividend if any.

Progress remains fragile with a leadership talent pipeline glaringly bereft of women talent 
And at the absolute top of the Top Tier - women are invisible - the score 1 out of 100

the top tier gender balance scorecard of NIFTY50 companies

NIFTY50 top tier GB Data

Are you a social influencer or a gender equality advocate who would like to use insights to close the gender gap on economic opportunity & leadership?

Board Data Scorecard

the gender balance of NIFTY50 Boards | BALANCE not in sight 

GB Insights on NIFTY50

Just ONE with a BALANCED top tier ranking

There is NO company among the NIFTY50 that has achieved a BALANCED ranking across all three 

Board of Directors, Leadership Team (LT) & the Composite Top Tier

the overwhelming male top tier of NIFTY5
invisible at the absolute top of the lad

Far from BALANCED and none REACHING there soon

56% of NIFTY50 companies SNOOZING on Top Tier Gender Balance

Top Tier GBS | NIFTY50

the GB Scorecard you are reviewing is a TopTier GB Scorecard of companies. If you are a conscious decision maker interested in harnessing the power of gender balance for your firm, you can have your firm's ML - GBS (Prime) delivered - a scorecard on how you are doing on gender balance and where the gaps are. A 75 attribute evaluation of your firm's gender balance across board of dirrectors , leadership  & workforce, policies & practices, community investments/CSR, supplier, partner & customer analytics, hiring actions and data disclosures. Interested in evaluating a potential investee firm or evaluating a partner

NIFTY 50 bereft of a BALANCED Board of Directors

Boards GBS | NIFTY50
Women on Boards

the uphill trek towards BALANCED Boards 

even with regulations in place the gap remains stubborn

Share of NIFTY50 companies by total wome
Women & Men on Boards of NIFTY50 (by sec

BALANCE not in sight | Progress is fragile with women invisible in the leadership talent pipeline

3 sectors yet to witness presence of a woman leader in their leadership team

Almost Three Fourth of NIFTY50 still SNOOZING

Leadership Team | NIFTY50


ML-TopTier GBS© of NIFTY50 companies

  • the companies included in this ML-TopTier GBS© Scorecard of NIFTY50 are part of the Nifty50  Index

  • Nifty 50 is the flagship index on the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE). The Index tracks the behavior of the portfolio of blue chip companies, the largest and most liquid Indian securities. It includes 50 of the approximately 1600 companies traded on NSE. The Index has been trading since April 1996 (source - NSE)

  • the gender balance score & rating was calculated using myrna labs proprietary TopTier GBS© methodology

  • the highest top tier GBS© by sector is specific to Nifty50 and represents the max score achieved by any company represented in the sector within the Nifty50 index

  • Data for this scorecard is based on information provided by the companies in their annual filing, data is also assimilated from their websites & press statements; third party sources including reports aggregated by myrna labs over the course of the calendar year from a wide range of periodicals & websites in India and other parts of the world

  • The top tier gender balance is a weighted average of the board gender balance & the leadership team gender balance

  • The leadership team includes the executive committee or management council if identified by the company, the Csuite executives and positions reporting to the CEO. The research team also looks at job profiles and public positioning of iindividuals & roles by the company, organograms when available to arrive at a list of members of the leadership team of the company. The leadership team analysis is structured to help assess the next line of leadership in the company

  • this scorecard only reflects the top tier /leadership gender balance and should not be interpreted as a comprehensiive gender balance scorecard of the firm (the gender balance scorecards are offered in three formats - top tier GBS©, firm GBS© & Prime GBS©)

  • unless specifically mentioned the gender balance scorecard refers to the Indian enttity of any firm that may be listed here and has entities in multiple countries

  • Data until Dec 10, 2019 was included in the analysis

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