Balajee Telefilms ranks number one among the Nifty Media companies which also sees Network 18 and Zee Media ranking second and third on the list.
PVR Ltd emerges as the only company amongst NIFTY Media with a BALANCED Board of Directors, the highest ranking on the scorecard, while Balajee Telefilms is the only company with a BALANCED Leadership Team.
Nifty Media with a 20% gender balance is just WAKING UP but doing better than Nifty50 on Top Tier Gender Balance, reveals research by Myrna labs that just released the ML Gender Balance Scorecard (Top Tier).
When it comes to gender balance in the top tier, NIFTY Media is WAKING UP
Top 5 on 2019 ML top tier gender balance scorecard of NIFTY Media companies
NIFTY media, as the scorecard reveals is Waking Up which though far from BALANCED with little hope of achieving balance in the short term is still doing better than NIFTY 50 which was found SNOOZING with a 10% gender balance.
Nifty Media shows an overall leadership team gender balance of 19% compared to the 7% of NIFTY50.
Even on Balance on Boards, NIFTY Media with 22% gender balance, performs marginally better than NIFTY50 which recorded an 18% gender balance.
The ceiling for women on boards stops at the number 3. That remains the same for both NIFTY50 and NIFTY Media with no more than three women in boards of these companies.
Progress on leadership gender balance is however fragile with more than 86% companies in Nifty Media still recording a gender balance of less than 30% across their leadership team.
Balajee Telefilms scores highest on the Composite Top Tier which did not find a single BALANCED company amongst all the NIFTY Media constituents. The lack of Balance on its board affected its overall score. What keeps them ahead of the others is the BALANCED ranking on the leadership team, a ranking that’s not common amongst companies.
The ML - Gender Balance Scorecards, evaluate existing gender balance and estimate fragility of progress through a 75 criteria scoring framework. The Top Tier GB Scorecard is a limited version of the overall scorecard with a focus on the Top Tier Leadership, a key indicator of a firm’s Gender Balance.
Releasing the report, Leena Chakrabarti, founder of myrna labs, said, “leadership is where accountability to shift the balance lies. So whether gender balance is a problem or an opportunity at a firm, it's the leadership that frames the narrative, charts actions and reflects results. Knowing gender equality is a business issue and not a women’s issue is just not enough. It has meant that we talk about diversity, empower women and hire male leaders. The Gender Balance Scorecard is a tool for leaders aiming to shift towards balance. ”
Highlights of the NIFTY Media Scorecard
Overall Top Tier Gender Balance in Nifty Media is 20%
Gender Balance across Boards of Nifty Media is 22%
43% companies are WAKING UP on Gender Balance while 28.5 % companies are still SNOOZING with an average of a poor 8% Gender Balance on their Boards
Gender Balance across Leadership teams of Nifty Media is 19%
One BALANCED board - PVR Ltd
One BALANCED leadership team - Balajee Telefilms
86% of Nifty Media - less than 30% gender balance on leadership team. Progress on gender balance is fragile
No company has more than three women on their boards but 50% companies have two women on boards
For the top tier gender balance scorecard, based on the gender balance (% of women or men members as a proportion of the total composition of the team) companies are classified into five stages of gender balance.
Snoozing (0-10%)
Waking up (10 - 20%)
Striving (20 - 30%)
Reaching (30 - 40%) &
Balanced (40 - 60%).
Information for this particular scorecard was last updated on 10th December 2019.
About ML Top Tier Gender Balance Scorecards
the Top Tier Gender Balance scorecards are instruments to help accelerate gender equality. Released periodically and/or on demand from companies & partners, the ML - GBS as it is usually referred to is available in three formats, each looking at a wide range of aspects of a firm's interna; and external operative environment. The Top Tier GBS is the basic Gender Balance Scorecard that evaluates the gender balance across the leadership (including boards) of firms. The firm GBS delves deep into a firm's workforce & leadership, compensation, leave & benefits, culture and systems, practices and policies while the Prime GBS also accounts for a firm;s external cosystem, including suppliers, partners, community efforts, consumers, practices and positioning in the external environment it operates in.
About Myrna Labs
Myrna labs is a gender intelligence company. The organisation that counts gender equality leads of nordic governments like Finland and Denmark amongst its Advisory Board, is currently developing Asia’s first gender integrated firmographic database & monitoring 300+ gender sensitive indicators across firms, investments, markets and responses to global challenges, as part of the gender intelligence system to empower leaders and decision makers.