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developing a gender intelligence decision support system

Updated: Aug 26, 2024

Addressing gender equality is complex to say the least. Many frames & schools of thought exist with a wide range of definitions & concepts. The gender data gap is one of the widest gaps.

Firms & markets intellligence that factors gender intelligence is almost non existent or hard to retrieve & gender linked data disclosure is at its infancy in most countries.

Lack of gender intelligence gets reflected in the hire men empower women kind of outcomes, the stubborn leadership gender gap remains wide, headcount approaches dominate among firms & markets, gender mainstreaming remains an afterthought in the context of several global challenges. Capital also continues to move and add to the gender gap. Gender Lens investing, for instance remains a niche within the niche of impact investing. For instance $1.3 trillion moved in global FDi in 2018 and only $2.2 billion with the gender lens.

Combined with complexities, absence of firm & market data, decision makers continue to harness opinion and experience when it comes to factoring gender equality or gender based inequality. In many cases despite the presence of intent and willingness difficulties in identifying, tracking and addressing the gap continues to sideline gender equality, amplify risks and result ini adverse outcomes and lost opportunities for all.

Risks continue to emerge from

  • lack of gender balance within firms

  • incidence & impact of gender based violence (GBV) in firms, markets, families & societies

  • inefficiencies arising out of gender based discrimination (GBD) &

  • deployment of knowledge, attitudes & practices that add & accelerate even perpetuate gender based inequality

ML - GIS is a gender intelligence decision support system

ML - GIS | Gender Intelligence System

What started as a meagre 17 attribute framework to assess the progress on gender balance within different aspects of a firm's policies & practices, is graduating to a wide system,

  • based on proprietary tools & models,

  • supported by an increasing band of specially identified 300+ gender sensitive attributes

  • an expanding gender integrated firmographic database

  • conversion of unstructured information across online and offline sources into structured datasets

  • combine with human curation and analyst insights

to enable decision makers factor gender intellligence into their regular decision making.


When we ignore gender based inequality in our decisions we transform markets, societies and economies & widen the gender gap &

when we factor gender based inequality in our decisions we transform markets, societies and economies & close the gender gap.

But factoring gender based inequality has not been easy

That's where ML-GIS expects to step in - Making it easy for decision makers to factor in the gender differential and

  • close the gender gap on everything

  • manage risks emerging from gender inequality

  • discover opportunities

  • find compelling answers to questions on growth & inequality

  • bridge the gender data gap​

And we are just emerging from stealth mode (during which we worked with few trusted clients and partners). the new GIS-Insights (free) will now be available to everyone and we expect to publish insights at least weekly based on some of the data that we are currently tracking, across firms, markets and globa challenges. GIS - Insights (Paid) wil continue as a paid subscription with twice a week insights and occasional reports for our paid subscribers. interested to receive our member only insights enquire now


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